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Sample Acceptable Use Policies

AccessAbility System Abuse Policy
E-mail and Usenet Terms of Service.
AOL's Newsgroup Terms of Service
Rules for AOLers' uses of Usenet.
INnet's AUP
Belgian ISP's AUP, incorporating RFCs by reference
GulfNet AUP
AUP specifying, in part, that "E-mail is a person-to-person medium, not a broadcast medium."
NETural's AUP
AUP that specifies, among other things, a charge of US $150.00 per user for unsolicited commercial e-mail.
Novagate's AUP
Very succinct AUP
Real Time Enterprises, Inc., AUP
One bandwidth reseller's AUP.
Zorch Access Policy
A very early example of a commercial site access policy.
Robert's Braver's ISP "Spam" Policies Overview.
A reference for more AUPs.

What not to do about spam

Scott Hazen Mueller & Aliza R. Panitz / /